воскресенье, 28 сентября 2014 г.

RAW2 file thumbnails in Ubuntu Unity howto

Ubuntu Unity's default file manager is Nautilus. It is a gnome based program. So it manages its settings in the gconf. I had a problem with Photos from my Panasonic cam in RAW2 file extension. The Nautilus did not show the thumbnails. Here is the HOWTO to get it fixed

Check the following setting: Nautilus > Edit > Preferences > Preview > Only for files smaller than

10MB seems to be a default value here. At least i cant remember i have changed it myself.

Then ensure you have either gnome-raw-thumbnailer installed. Just type in console
Install it if ubuntu suggests it with
sudo apt-get install gnome-raw-thumbnailer

Next ensure you have now a file

Ensure the file contains mime for RAW2 images

On my PC it didn't work at this point. So i have looked to the

Here was RW2 file extension missing. Add the following line to this xml. Case matters. Correct it if your cam saves photos in lower case.
<glob pattern="*.RW2" />

And i can preview them now like any other pictures without to have open each single one. Yeeee!

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